ReBuild Houston is a direct result of City of Houston voters approving Proposition One on November 2, 2010. The proposition directed the City's Charter to "be amended to provide for the enhancement, improvement and ongoing renewal of Houston's drainage and streets by creating a Dedicated Pay‐As‐You‐Go Fund for Drainage and Streets".
There are Four Sources of Funding for street & drainage projects:
ReBuild Houston - Taking Care of the Worst First |
Rebuild Houston - Taking Care of the Worst First from ideaMACHINE studio on Vimeo. |
The ReBuild Houston business model emphasizes Pay‐As‐You‐Go Funding. In this manner, no new debt is incurred and cash payment means there are no more interest payments on new projects. As a result, the City gets twice the product for the same dollars. As old debt is paid off from ad valorem taxes, funds become available for future projects. ReBuild Houston's Pay-As-You-Go model is a better way for the City to invest in street and drainage infrastructure, and is a hallmark of "Good Government".
A 10‐year planning cycle will identify new projects based on need, prioritizing the worst needs first. ReBuild Houston will help:
Ultimately, it means Better Streets, Better Drainage.